The balanced BBC

(Last Updated On: 8th March 2015)

I feel that the BBC must be applauded for showing some balance in its reporting of Scottish politics for a change. After all it is enshrined in the BBC’s charter and if they didn’t comply with that then we would all complain to the BBC Trust who would sort them out. Here is what I’m talking about:

BBC News Website 08/03/2015

BBC News Website 08/03/2015

As you can see there are two videos over on the right there, one of Jim Murphy and the other of Alex Salmond. Both have equal prominence, all above-board I’m sure you would agree. But wait, what’s this? If I hover ma wee moose ower the videos it shows me how long they are, like this:

Alex Salmond video length

Alex Salmond video length

So Wee Eck has got himself a 44 second slot on the government’s main propaganda website, not too shabby. So how has Jim Murphy fared? More or less? Let’s hae a wee peek:

Jim Murphy video length

Jim Murphy video length

More than half an hour! Presumably Alex Salmond will be getting another slot which is 29:55 soon, because I know how balanced and fair the BBC really are, aren’t they?

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