“Fascism is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and control of industry and commerce, that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe” (source Wikipedia).
Anyone has witnessed the brutal repression of the Catalan people today, for simply exercising their right of self-determination, would probably be sickened with what they saw. Spanish police used extreme force to try to prevent people from casting their vote and it didn’t matter to them if the voters were elderly, disabled or otherwise. They all received baton blows to their heads and rubber bullets.

An elderly voter injured by Spanish police
The Spanish police beat their way into polling stations and forcibly removed ballot boxes. Voters were hurled down stairs and beaten with batons, boots and fists. Women were hauled around by their hair. All this for having the temerity to vote.
You would think that the this violent repression by the Spanish state would be roundly condemned by the international community, wouldn’t you? I’m afraid you’ll be sorely disappointed.
Donald Trump, president of the USA – nothing. He’s too busy getting ready to obliterate North Korea.

Trump tweet
Donald Tusk, president of the European Council – nothing. He’s probably trying to wake Jean-Claude up. See below.

Tusk tweet
Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the EU Commission – nothing. He’s probably still pissed from his most recent tax payer funded junket in Tallin.

Juncker tweet
I am seriously reconsidering my EU referendum vote now. I was always a soft Remain voter anyway after watching the way the EU treated Greece. If Scotland were ever to become independent I don’t think we should be hitching our wagon to these fascism deniers.
How about political leaders closer to home, surely that British sense of justice will have provoked some condemnation here? Here’s Theresa May, Prime Minister of the UK trying to keep the economy going by pumping some more air into the housing bubble.

May tweet
Meanwhile Boris Johnson, UK Foreign Secretary, says that the Spanish fascism is fine with him. If it’s fine with him then it’s fine with the UK Government. After all, their respective ideologies are not so far apart.

Boris tweets
At least Jeremy Corbyn, leader of British Labour, has something to say about it with not one but two tweets.

Corbyn tweets
Vince Cable, leader of the British Liberal Democrats also has something to say about the situation in Catalonia too.

Cable tweet
Meanwhile in Scotland Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland, has this to say. At least she agrees with the right of the Catalonians to determine their own form of government.

Sturgeon tweets
Ruth Davidson, Leader of the Scottish Accounting Unit of the British Conservative and Unionist Party used an interview on the British Broadcasting Corporation to blame the SNP for the violent repression in Catalonia. Referendums are their idea and they are all bad. So ignore the pensioners getting their heads smashed in, use the moment to attack your political opponents. She really is a disgusting creature.
Sensing that she was on the wrong side of history once again she issued a statement, although failed to be interviewed again.

Davidson back pedalling
Patrick Harvie, Leader of the Scottish Green Party, hits the nail on the head. Where does Catalonia go from here? Surely the Spanish Government has lost all legitimacy in the country? Government is by the will of the people, if the people don’t want your government then it becomes a dictatorship.

Harvie tweet
No one was available from the Scottish Accounting Unit of British Labour, they’re all too busy stabbing each other in the back and drinking pish.
As for Willie Rennie, Leader of the Scottish Accounting Unit of the British Liberal Democrats. Well who cares what he has to say?

Rennie doesn’t want to talk
The results of the referendum will be announced within the next couple of days. If the result is Si then I expect the Catalonian Government to issue a declaration of independence. If that is the case then I expect the repression to increase ten fold. Where will our “leaders” be then?
I wish all the people of Catalonia all the very best. Though there may be troubled times ahead I’m sure that you will prevail. I’m sure that all the Scottish Yes voters would express the same sentiments. Good luck – Bona Sort.
