The two are now synonymous. Yes you can now Carmichael to your spouse about the amount of drinks you had down the pub. You can Carmichael to your doctor about how much you smoke. You can even Carmichael to your kids about how they don’t sell replacement batteries for that noisy toy. Carmichael and lies, the two go hand in hand. We’ve got to wonder about how many other lies he’s told? Just how many Carmichaels did the liar tell during the Independence referendum?
Now that his court case is over his party is spinning his “victory” as a complete vindication of his actions, but that’s not what the judges said. They branded him a “blatant liar”. How can anyone trust this man anymore?
Of course his party, the Liberal Democrats Scottish Branch, is right behind him, desperate not to lose their only voice in the big hoose in London. Giving the liar his full backing back in May Willie Rennie, Branch Office Manager, said, “As a liberal I believe that people deserve a second chance. I hope fair-minded people would agree that Alistair Carmichael should be given that second chance.”
The hypocrisy of the man is astounding, for Wee Willie has called for the resignation of Kenny MacAskill. He also called for the resignation of Martin Sime, chief executive of the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, because he thought that Sime is too closely affiliated with the SNP. Not many second chances there. But this is what we’ve come to expect from the Liberal Democrats as whole. Here’s Christine Jardine, prospective parliamentary candidate for East Aberdeenshire:

Justine riven with blame
Now those are honourable sentiments, however her words don’t really match that sentiment:

Justine Blames the SNP 1
Oh, and this lot too:

Justine goes to town on SNPbad
It would seem that Tim Farron was talking about his own party.
But, getting back to that liar. Let’s not forget what Sir Malcolm Bruce, or Lord Bruce of the Gowk Stane to give his new moniker, said about Carmichael, “If you are suggesting every MP who has never quite told the truth or even told a brazen lie, including cabinet ministers, including prime ministers, we would clear out the House of Commons very fast, I would suggest,” So Carmichaeling is fine for the Lib Dems. It would seem that they’re all at it.
How about the biggest Lib Dem Carmichael of recent times:

Nick Clegg’s tuition fee Carmichael
But for me the biggest loser here is democracy, for this judgment shows the depths of contempt that the people of this country are held in by the very people who are elected to represent us. That a cabinet minister can authorise a libellous leak to smear a political opponent then lie about it to the Cabinet Office inquiry, lie about it to the press and lie about it to the voters during a general election campaign and get away with it is a disgrace. This sorry episode is a damning indictment of the state of politics at Westminster.
Carmichael is a liar, he has no honour and neither does the party which holds him in such high regard. The elections for the Scottish Parliament are a few months away, I’ll bet the people will not easily forget the hypocrisy and Carmichaels of the Liberal Democrats. They are a stain on the people of this land and they need to be wiped away.